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Thank you for reading my lifestyle blog . I'm so excited to have you here and to share my journey with you. I started this blog to help people learn the joy of journaling as part of a holistic lifestyle and to help them connect with others who are also on this journey. I hope that you enjoy reading these posts and that you will take the time to follow  on social media so that you can stay up to date on the latest happenings. Thank you again for reading, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you.

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for That Girl Guided Journal

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That Girl Guided Journal for Women and That Girl

Welcome back my Wellness Journal sisters! I hope you're all staying refreshed and energized through these busy summer months. As always, my goal is to provide you with wisdom, tools and inspiration to nurture your holistic wellbeing - now more than ever in our fast-paced world.

This expansive guide covers time-tested self-care practices like journaling, yoga, natural skincare and more in greater detail than ever before. I've also included fresh tips focused on mindful cooking, self-massage, intuitive movement and emotional wellness to give you a more robust toolkit. Whether you're new to prioritizing self-care or a long-time practitioner, I hope you find gems of insight throughout.

Without further ado, let's dive into a deep-dive on holistic self-nurturing. Stay tuned to the end for a bonus section on the importance of self-care for women today too. Keep scrolling to nourish your mind, body and soul!

Journaling for Clarity, Catharsis and Creative Expression

As a trusted constant throughout my personal growth journey, journaling remains one of the most impactful pillars of my self-care routine. Studies show expressive writing can boost cognitive functioning, relieve stress and boost overall wellbeing. For optimal results, aim to journal daily even if only for 5-10 minutes - consistency is key.

Keep your journaling supplies organized and easily accessible so the practice never feels like a chore. Options include beautiful leather or moleskin notebooks, digital journals and even voice recording apps. I prefer putting pen to paper for a tactile experience, but find what works best for your lifestyle and needs. Make journaling sustainable long-term by keeping it simple.

There's no right or wrong way to journal - just write freely without judgment. Common prompts include listing feelings, recounting memorable moments, visualizing goals and expressing gratitude. I also use mine for inspired brainstorming, letting anything come out creatively. Don't censor yourself and keep coming back daily to deepen self-understanding over time through regular reflection.

For an added boon, studies suggest journaling can improve everything from coping skills and problem-solving to reducing chances of illness. It's truly one of the best investments in your personal growth and fulfillment you can make. Commit to daily journaling and watch clarity, release and insights blossom over weeks of dedicated practice.

Yoga for Body, Mind and Spirit Connection

Another pillar of holistic self-care that never loses its magic is yoga. With regular practice, it lubricates tight muscles, calms frenzied minds and fosters mindfulness of breath - a trifecta that leaves you feeling lighter inside and out. The mental reset it provides is invaluable, especially on hectic days.

While physical benefits like flexibility, strength and stress relief are wonderful bonuses, true yoga is more than exercise - it's a moving meditation. Focus on synchronizing each inhale and exhale with gentle movements to cultivate presence. Even basic poses and breathing done consistently will work wonders over time. Remember, yoga is a personal practice - go at your own pace and modify as needed.

For optimal results, aim to practice yoga 2-3 times weekly. If possible, morning sessions are ideal for energizing your day, while evenings are soothing. I love rolling out my mat surrounded by nature's beauty, whether at the beach, park or backyard. Yoga studios also offer community and guidance from knowledgeable instructors.

Many free yoga videos on YouTube cater to all levels, skill sets and time availabilities too. As little as 10-15 minutes a day makes an impact when done regularly. Be patient and non-judgmental with yourself as your practice deepens. The peace, strength and connectivity yoga cultivates are truly priceless defenses against stress that serve you for a lifetime.

Nourishing Natural Beauty from the Inside Out

A holistic self-care routine focuses equal energy on inner and outer radiance. One effective way to nurture both is through natural, non-toxic skincare made with ingredients that uplift your wellbeing from within. My regimen centers efficacy, ethics and minimal processing for visible glow and peace of mind.

Cruelty-free, vegan and organic are key filters when selecting products. Avoid anything questionable like sulfates, parabens, phthalates and other harsh chemicals linked to health issues over time. Empower yourself by reading labels and researching questionable ingredients to make informed choices. Our favorite Vegan and natural cosmetics and skincare come from the girls over at Clean Glam! Check them out for natural glam everything! While results-driven, my routine also nurtures self-acceptance at every stage of life's journey.

Some staples include hydrating toners, rich facial oils and masks infused with superfoods to reveal supple, luminous skin naturally. Focus on hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, plant extracts and emollients to plump and brighten complexions holistically. After cleansing, layer essences and serums for tailored nourishment before sealing it all in with organic shea or cocoa butter.

Quick DIY masks whipped up from pantry staples like avocado, honey, yogurt or turmeric also soothe, brighten and repair on a deeper level when left to work their magic. Don't forget broad spectrum mineral sunscreen daily too for powerful anti-aging protection and cancer prevention all year long. True self-care means honoring the vessel housing your soul always.

Mindful Movement that Motivates and Soothes Body & Mind Alike

While daily exercise delivers well-documented health perks, the key is finding activities that genuinely bring you joy versus feeling like a chore. Intuitive, low-impact movement coupled with mindfulness can relieve stress, boost moods and energize both bodies and spirits. It's a balanced approach that lasts a lifetime.

Walking outside surrounded by nature's beauty is one of my favorite stress-busters, whether a casual stroll or more vigorous hike depending on energy levels. Being present with each breath and step brings profound calm. On busy days when I crave companionship, SoulCycle classes or aerial yoga never disappoint as social, uplifting additions.

Other go-to's are swimming, dance classes, qi gong and martial arts when schedules allow for more time commitment. Gentle activities like tai chi and water aerobics also work well. Most importantly, pay attention to your body's unique needs versus pushing past limits or comparing journeys. Self-care is self-guided - go at your own intuitive pace.

As pioneers of holistic living, our wellness is about balance rather than extremes. Movements should uplift spirits versus deplete further. Listen inwardly and be kind to yourself through any challenges. Our wellbeing is a lifelong priority worth consistent nurturing through daily mindful movement tailored just for you.

Cooking Nourishing Meals that Uplift Health & Happiness

We've established that food plays an inextricable role in both physical and mental wellness. While convenient options have their place, regular home-cooked meals featuring whole, minimally processed ingredients are optimal nourishment for vibrant radiance inside and out. With some advance planning, it's an achievable act of self-care.

Commit to meal prepping one day each week to stock your fridge with nourishing veggie-forward dishes, grains, legumes and proteins for the coming days. Chopping, simmering and presentation become mindful rituals when done leisurely. Make the cooking space as peaceful and aesthetic as possible with lighting, music and aromatherapy to unwind fully.

Follow intuitive urges versus strict regimes when selecting ingredients too. A balanced plate rich in plant-based whole foods along with healthy fats is the holistic ideal - don't stress perfection. Presentation is an underrated art - plating attractively enhances enjoyment. Rituals like setting the table, dining slowly and savoring flavors work wonders for overall wellbeing.

While nourishing your body with quality Whole foods, don't neglect pleasure either. Desserts in moderation paired with self-care practices like yoga or socializing balance the equation perfectly. A balanced, largely plant-based diet is a cornerstone of holistic wellness - cooking it yourself adds a meditative layer of self-nurturing few consider. Make it a sacred act whenever possible.

Emotional Wellness for Complete Nourishment

No holistic discussion of self-care is complete without addressing emotional wellbeing - our most vulnerable yet crucial dimension. While outward pursuits like work, relationships and achievements bring fulfillment, true happiness originates inwardly. Cultivating emotional resilience and self-acceptance is challenging yet profoundly impactful work.

Start by identifying what drains or elevates your spirit regularly. Journaling, meditation, mantras and affirmations help process emotions in a non-reactive way. Connecting with understanding listeners through quality time with loved ones or professional help during difficult periods bolsters wellbeing.

Don't shy away from tough feelings or experiences - confront them as teachers versus threats through insightful reflection. Express creativity,

We all have different personalities, schedules, needs and challenges. The beauty of self-care is that it's deeply personal - play around until you discover what boosts your wellbeing most authentically. Whether that's soothing bath rituals, quality girl time over bottles of rosé, daily gratitude journals or restorative yoga retreats - listen to your intuition always.

Remember that self-care isn't selfish - it's an act of love, empowerment and prevention. When we prioritize nourishing ourselves holistically, we have so much more to offer the world. I hope these ideas inspire you to cultivate more mindfulness in your routine, SoCal sisters. Stay breezy!

for Sobreezybabe That Girl Guided Journal

Welcome to paradise, sweet angels! I hope you're all feeling as breezy as I am on this sunny Saturday morning. With the start of a new weekend comes the perfect opportunity to refuel your soul through self care, meditation and mindfulness - all while soaking up that dreamy SoCal lifestyle. I've put together my ultimate guide to a completely holistic weekend here in LA so you can stay feeling your radiant best without even trying.

The first step is fueling your body properly so you have the energy for all the fun activities ahead. For breakfast, I like to start my day with a green juice packed with kale, spinach, cucumber, apple and ginger - it's the perfect way to cleanse without depriving yourself. Pair it with avocado toast on sprouted grain bread for some healthy fats. Once you're energized, it's time for a morning yoga flow at the beach. Watching the waves roll in as you move through downward dog and child's pose is seriously surreal - I always feel so present and zen afterwards.

After your yoga sesh, take a dip in the ocean to rinse off the sweat and welcome the day. Nothing makes me feel more alive! The salt water is so healing for both your physical and emotional wellbeing. Once you're fresh again, grab a picnic lunch - I like packing salads with quinoa, roasted veggies and a scrumptious dressing. Enjoy it at the park while soaking up some vitamin D. After fueling up again, spend the afternoon exploring a new neighborhood. Check out local boutiques, galleries and coffee shops to get inspired.

Now it's time to nourish your mind. Head to a bookstore like Skylight Books in Los Feliz and browse for a new read to dive into later. Look for memoirs by influential women or self help books focusing on mindfulness, gratitude, meditation or emotional healing. Fueling your intellect is just as important for your wellbeing as fueling your body. With a new book in hand, head to the beach to watch the sunset. Sitting by the ocean is the perfect way to end the day - you'll feel so at peace.

For dinner, treat yourself to a luxurious meal at one of LA's top plant based or organic restaurants. Oh she glows, Crossroads and Real Food Daily are all delicious options in various neighborhoods around town. Enjoy nutrient packed dishes like mushroom risotto, veggie stir fry or a crisp salad while catching up with good company. Spending quality time with friends is self care in itself.

Once you've filled up on nourishment, it's time to wind down for the evening. Head home, light some candles, put on soothing music and run yourself a hot bath. Add in epsom salts and essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus for maximum relaxation. Soak for as long as you'd like while reading your new book. The magnesium from the salts and aromatherapy from the oils will leave you feeling completely recharged.

After your bath, put on your coziest pajamas and make yourself a calming herbal tea like chamomile. Snuggle up with your book, journal or laptop to continue winding down for the night. I like to do a guided meditation before bed using the Calm app. Setting intentions for restful sleep and the coming week always leaves me feeling so present. Lights out by 10pm - our bodies crave more than just sunlight!

Waking up on Sunday, take your time stretching and enjoying a soothing morning routine. Maybe do some light yoga or qi gong movements while your coffee brews. For a lazy brunch, nothing beats eggs and avocado on toast with fresh fruit and herbal tea. Spend the morning journaling, making vision boards or making plans for self care throughout the week ahead. The key is continuing nourishment and rest even on your day of rest.

In the afternoon, meet up with friends at a relaxing cafe or bookstore to sip lattes and chat about your goals, dreams and personal growth. Surrounding yourself with people focused on wellness keeps your energy flowing positively. Get outside later to walk along the beach, hike in the hills or explore a new park - movement heals the body and mind. Enjoy a home cooked dinner full of love like veggie chili, salad or roasted potatoes.

Wind the weekend down slowly by giving yourself a nourishing at home spa treatment. Exfoliate with a sugar or salt scrub, do a face mask and meditate before bed. Waking up on Monday feeling totally rejuvenated both inside and out is the ultimate goal - you'll be ready to take on the week with grace. Nourish yourself continuously and life just flows, sweet souls. I hope you found some inspiration for self care, mindfulness and luxury living in LA. Wishing you all radiant weeks ahead!

Health Supplements to Keep Your Gut Feeling Breezy

by Sobreezybabe

Girls, maintaining a healthy gut is so important for both physical and mental wellness. As we all know, what's going on inside can really affect the outside - your skin, your energy levels, even your mood. So it's time to get real about gut health and start supplementing to keep that digestive system feeling breezy! Here are a few supplements I like to add to my routine to support a happy tummy.

Probiotics are a must for gut health. I love taking Garden of Life's Dr. Formulated Probiotics because they contain 50 billion CFUs from 11 different probiotic strains. Multiple strains means more coverage for a balanced microbiome. Slide these babies into your routine daily and you'll start to notice smoother digestion and fewer tummy troubles.

Prebiotics are also key - they feed the good gut bugs so they can flourish. My current fave is Organic Wholeful Prebiotic Fiber. Made from inulin and oligofructose, it supports the growth of probiotic bacteria for natural gut and immune support. Feel full and fueled with just one scoop blended into water or your morning smoothie.

Last but not least, digestive enzymes are so helpful for proper breakdown and absorption of nutrients. Look for a high-quality, broad-spectrum enzyme supplement. Mine is Designs for Health's Super Enzymes - it contains enzymes from various plant and animal sources to aid in starch, protein and fat breakdown. No more bloating or uncomfortable fullness for this girl!

For those who want a little more clarity, I'll share the main five core gut health supplements I take daily, why I take each one, when I take them, and how they've relieved my stubborn digestive woes. I'll also note the lifestyle habits that complement my supplement routine for maximal gut healing and microbiome balance. If you struggle with digestion or suspect gut issues may be dragging down your health, my personal gut health stack could provide some ideas and inspiration!

My Core 5 Gut Health Supplements

✨️ Probiotic

I take the HyperBiotics PRO-Women Probiotics with a clinically-studied strain called L. reuteri. I chose this probiotic because it contains 30 billion CFU and over 5 rigorously-tested strains ideal for women's microbiome balance. Since I started taking it, my digestion has improved drastically! The strains help me properly break down nutrients, metabolize food energy better, and prevent issues like bloating or constipation. The HyperBiotics probiotic also supports vaginal health and immune function - added bonuses!


While probiotics contain the live cultures, prebiotics serve as the "food" for those microbes. Without prebiotic fibers that feed our gut bacteria, our probiotics won't flourish. I get my daily prebiotic dose from supplements and foods sources. I take Prebiotin prebiotic supplement which contains insulin, acacia fiber, and other plant-based fibers that support microflora growth. I also try to eat plenty of prebiotic-rich foods like garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus and bananas.

✨️Digestive Enzymes

Since digestive enzymes are so critical for properly breaking down nutrients from food, I supplement with a full-spectrum enzyme complex by Pure Encapsulations. It contains key enzymes to help digest carbohydrates, fats, fiber, lactose, and proteins. For me, this has alleviated post-meal bloating and discomfort significantly! It also reduces occasional gas and diarrhea since my body can now effectively extract nutrients.


As an amino acid that helps repair intestinal wall lining, L-glutamine has been a game-changer for healing my leaky gut issues. High stress levels can cause the tight junctions between intestinal cells to weaken, allowing undigested molecules to enter the bloodstream where they don't belong. This can trigger widespread inflammation.

The L-glutamine compound literally helps "glue" intestinal barrier cells back together and stimulates regeneration. I notice less brain fog within an hour of taking it which tells me there's less inflammation. I take a high-potency 5,000 mg L-glutamine supplement twice daily.


HCL Even while taking digestive enzymes, I still struggled with that heavy, bloated sensation after eating larger meals. I had a suspicion I wasn't producing enough stomach acid naturally to break down food. Based on symptoms, my nutritionist had me start supplementing with betaine HCL capsules when I eat protein-heavy meals.

Betaine HCL increases the level of hydrochloric acid in my stomach to support protein digestion. Along with the digestive enzymes, this has helped me properly break down and metabolize meals without heaviness or sluggishness after eating. I make sure to cycle it 5 days on, 2 days off.

When I Take My Gut Health Supplements Consistency and timing are essential to maximizing results from my gut health stack. Here is my daily regimen:


• Probiotic on empty stomach

• Prebiotic with breakfast

• L-glutamine before breakfast

With meals:

• Digestive enzymes with all meals

• Betaine HCL with larger protein-based meals


• Second dose of L-glutamine on empty stomach

Lifestyle Strategies That Complement My Supplements

While probiotics, enzymes and key supplements provide the primary digestive/gut support, I also follow certain lifestyle habits to cultivate maximum microbiome balance and gut health. These include:

• Low inflammatory diet high in prebiotic fruits/veggies

• Managing and reducing stress

• Daily movement and exercise

• Prioritizing high-quality sleep

• Practicing mindfulness and gratitude

The combination of strategic supplements along with these core lifestyle factors has truly allowed my gut — and overall health - to thrive. The days of feeling sluggish and bloated are behind me!

I hope walking through my personal daily stack offers some ideas on how you can craft a tailored regimen based on your unique digestion and gut health needs. Be patient, experiment smartly with strategic supplements, and nurture your overall wellbeing through healthy lifestyle habits. Here's to happy guts and better health!

Nourish that gut, nourish your wellbeing babes. Start supplementing today and feel the breezy benefits!

*Remember to not make any changes to your health without consulting a licensed health practitioner*

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