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Surf, Sun and Self Care: My Guide to a Holistic Weekend in LA

for Sobreezybabe That Girl Guided Journal

Welcome to paradise, sweet angels! I hope you're all feeling as breezy as I am on this sunny Saturday morning. With the start of a new weekend comes the perfect opportunity to refuel your soul through self care, meditation and mindfulness - all while soaking up that dreamy SoCal lifestyle. I've put together my ultimate guide to a completely holistic weekend here in LA so you can stay feeling your radiant best without even trying.

The first step is fueling your body properly so you have the energy for all the fun activities ahead. For breakfast, I like to start my day with a green juice packed with kale, spinach, cucumber, apple and ginger - it's the perfect way to cleanse without depriving yourself. Pair it with avocado toast on sprouted grain bread for some healthy fats. Once you're energized, it's time for a morning yoga flow at the beach. Watching the waves roll in as you move through downward dog and child's pose is seriously surreal - I always feel so present and zen afterwards.

After your yoga sesh, take a dip in the ocean to rinse off the sweat and welcome the day. Nothing makes me feel more alive! The salt water is so healing for both your physical and emotional wellbeing. Once you're fresh again, grab a picnic lunch - I like packing salads with quinoa, roasted veggies and a scrumptious dressing. Enjoy it at the park while soaking up some vitamin D. After fueling up again, spend the afternoon exploring a new neighborhood. Check out local boutiques, galleries and coffee shops to get inspired.

Now it's time to nourish your mind. Head to a bookstore like Skylight Books in Los Feliz and browse for a new read to dive into later. Look for memoirs by influential women or self help books focusing on mindfulness, gratitude, meditation or emotional healing. Fueling your intellect is just as important for your wellbeing as fueling your body. With a new book in hand, head to the beach to watch the sunset. Sitting by the ocean is the perfect way to end the day - you'll feel so at peace.

For dinner, treat yourself to a luxurious meal at one of LA's top plant based or organic restaurants. Oh she glows, Crossroads and Real Food Daily are all delicious options in various neighborhoods around town. Enjoy nutrient packed dishes like mushroom risotto, veggie stir fry or a crisp salad while catching up with good company. Spending quality time with friends is self care in itself.

Once you've filled up on nourishment, it's time to wind down for the evening. Head home, light some candles, put on soothing music and run yourself a hot bath. Add in epsom salts and essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus for maximum relaxation. Soak for as long as you'd like while reading your new book. The magnesium from the salts and aromatherapy from the oils will leave you feeling completely recharged.

After your bath, put on your coziest pajamas and make yourself a calming herbal tea like chamomile. Snuggle up with your book, journal or laptop to continue winding down for the night. I like to do a guided meditation before bed using the Calm app. Setting intentions for restful sleep and the coming week always leaves me feeling so present. Lights out by 10pm - our bodies crave more than just sunlight!

Waking up on Sunday, take your time stretching and enjoying a soothing morning routine. Maybe do some light yoga or qi gong movements while your coffee brews. For a lazy brunch, nothing beats eggs and avocado on toast with fresh fruit and herbal tea. Spend the morning journaling, making vision boards or making plans for self care throughout the week ahead. The key is continuing nourishment and rest even on your day of rest.

In the afternoon, meet up with friends at a relaxing cafe or bookstore to sip lattes and chat about your goals, dreams and personal growth. Surrounding yourself with people focused on wellness keeps your energy flowing positively. Get outside later to walk along the beach, hike in the hills or explore a new park - movement heals the body and mind. Enjoy a home cooked dinner full of love like veggie chili, salad or roasted potatoes.

Wind the weekend down slowly by giving yourself a nourishing at home spa treatment. Exfoliate with a sugar or salt scrub, do a face mask and meditate before bed. Waking up on Monday feeling totally rejuvenated both inside and out is the ultimate goal - you'll be ready to take on the week with grace. Nourish yourself continuously and life just flows, sweet souls. I hope you found some inspiration for self care, mindfulness and luxury living in LA. Wishing you all radiant weeks ahead!

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