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Thank you for reading my lifestyle blog . I'm so excited to have you here and to share my journey with you. I started this blog to help people learn the joy of journaling as part of a holistic lifestyle and to help them connect with others who are also on this journey. I hope that you enjoy reading these posts and that you will take the time to follow  on social media so that you can stay up to date on the latest happenings. Thank you again for reading, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you.

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  • Writer's pictureThat Girl Guided Journal

Journaling Tips to Nourish Your Soul in LA

*for Sobreezybabe readers*

Hi, friends - it's that time again. Time to dive deep, reflect, and nourish your soul through the healing power of journaling. As your resident Sobreezybabe, I know how busy our LA lifestyles can get. Between brunches, hikes, and keeping up with the 'gram, it's easy to forget to check in with yourself. But making space for self-reflection is so important, especially in this city that never slows down. That's where journaling comes in - it's the ultimate tool for mindfulness and emotional healing.

So pour yourself a glass of rosé, put on your coziest sweats, and get ready to dive into some journaling tips straight from your girl. Trust me when I say journaling will leave you feeling relaxed, recharged, and ready to take on whatever this city throws your way.

🌸 Choose a Journal You Love

The first step is choosing a journal that speaks to your soul. Personally, I've found my new favorite - the That Girl Guided Journal. Available in both softcover and hardback, it's the perfect combo of aesthetic and inspiration. With guided prompts, quotes and activities, it nourishes both the soul and the mind. Plus, you can purchase it right on this very blog - talk about convenience! I can't stop filling pages in mine. The right journal for you is anything that makes you excited to write. After all, you'll be pouring your heart into it!

✨️✨️ Find Your Perfect Spot

Once you've got your journal in hand, it's time to claim your writing nook. For me, nothing beats curling up by the window with a view of the Hollywood hills. But your space could be inside or out - a cozy cafe, the beach, or your own balcony are all great options. The key is finding a place where you feel inspired, relaxed, and distraction-free. Light a candle, play some soothing music, and you're set for some serious soul-searching.

🌸🌸 Use Prompts for Inspiration

If you're feeling stuck on what to write, prompts are your BFF. I have a running list of questions, quotes, and activities to guide my thoughts when blank pages stare back at me. Try prompts like "What am I grateful for today?" or "How can I better care for myself this week?". You can also journal about meaningful books, shows, or your day-to-day experiences. The prompts are really just a starting point - soon, your mind will wander to deeper topics on its own.

✨️✨️Track Your Emotions

Another powerful way to use your journal is to track how you're feeling each day. Are you stressed, sad, content, excited? Noting your emotions gives you a chance to sit with them, process what's really going on beneath the surface, and glean insights into your wellbeing over time. I like using a scale of 1-10 or assigning emoji symbols 😀😭😴 to quantify my mood. However you choose to document feelings works - the goal is self awareness and compassion.

🌸🌸 Write Freely Without Judgment

There's no "right" way to journal. The point is simply getting thoughts out of your head and onto the page. So feel free to scribble, doodle, write in lists or flowing prose. Your journal is a judgment-free zone, so let any emotions or ideas flow freely without censoring yourself. This allows for deeper exploration and often leads to unexpected realizations. Getting comfortable with stream-of-consciousness writing is key.

✨️✨️ Revisit Old Entries

Flipping back through past journal pages is a great way to reflect on personal growth over time. Look for themes, questions you've answered, or insights you've gained. Notice patterns in your stressors or moods across seasons. Seeing how far you've come is incredibly empowering, and jogs memories in a meaningful way. I love re-reading entries from a few years ago and feeling proud of how far I've come.

🌸🌸 Find Meaning in the Mess

Which leads me to my final tip - accept that journaling isn't always a neat, organized process. Life isn't neat, so why should reflecting on it be? Your journal pages may be messy with scribbles, tears, or frustration. And that's a good thing! The messiness shows you're truly exploring thoughts and feelings without holding back. There's meaning and catharsis to be found even in the most jumbled of pages. Don't be afraid to let it all out - trust the healing process.

Well friends, I hope these journaling ideas have you feeling inspired to start your own self-care practice. Nourishing your mind and soul through writing will leave you feeling relaxed, recharged and ready to take on this wild city. What are you waiting for? Grab that journal, cozy up, and let the reflection begin. You've got this!

Wishing you wisdom, healing and mindfulness.


- Your Sobreezybabe

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