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Thank you for reading my lifestyle blog . I'm so excited to have you here and to share my journey with you. I started this blog to help people learn the joy of journaling as part of a holistic lifestyle and to help them connect with others who are also on this journey. I hope that you enjoy reading these posts and that you will take the time to follow  on social media so that you can stay up to date on the latest happenings. Thank you again for reading, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you.

Lifestyle Blog

It's not easy being a friend to yourself.

A That Girl Guided Journal Lifestyle Blog post with helpful tips on how to be a better friend to yourself.

It’s hard to be a good friend to someone else, but it’s even harder to be a good friend to yourself. We can often put people and things before ourselves, neglecting our own needs in the process. This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, which can take a toll on our health. In this post, we’re going to share with you five ways to be a better friend to yourself. From setting boundaries, self-care and healing, to taking care of your mental and emotional health, read on to learn how to be a better friend to yourself and take care of your health.

1. Be kind to yourself

It's easy to get wrapped up in our daily lives and forget to be kind to ourselves. Whether it's taking time for ourselves to relax, eat well, or just get some fresh air, it's important to take care of ourselves and make sure we're healthy both mentally and physically.

It's also important to be kind to others. When we're kind to ourselves, it's easier to be kind to others. We know that we're worth it and we don't need to put ourselves through a tough time in order to be kind to someone else.

Here are 5 ways to be a better friend to yourself:

1. Have a daily routine.

2. Let go of negative thoughts.

3. Take time for yourself every day.

4. Eat mindfully.

5. Find your happy place.

2.Create boundaries

It's easy to get wrapped up in our lives and forget to take care of ourselves. We work so hard and there's always something more to do, but we often neglect our own needs.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to create boundaries. This doesn't mean you have to be selfish, it means you need to set limits on how much you're willing to give.

Set a limit on how many hours a day you'll work, how many hours you'll spend on social media, how many emails you'll respond to, and so on. You may be surprised at how much more you can accomplish when you don't feel pushed to the limit.

Be realistic about what you're willing to do and what you're not willing to do. You may be surprised at how much better your life will be when you put these boundaries in place.

3.Acknowledge your accomplishments

It's easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We're constantly running from one task to the next and sometimes it's difficult to take the time to pat ourselves on the back.

However, self-compassion is key to happiness and success. Acknowledging your accomplishments is a great way to boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself.

It can be as simple as writing down your accomplishments or sharing them online with your friends and family. It's also important to set goals for yourself each year and review them on a regular basis.

By doing this, you'll be able to stay motivated and on track. Not to mention, you'll feel better about yourself overall!

4.Listen to your intuition

Many times, we do things because we think someone else wants us to or because we think we should. We often forget to listen to our intuition. Our gut is a great indicator of what's best for us and when it comes to our personal growth and self-care, we should heed its advice.

When it comes to our careers, our friendships, and our health, following your intuition is key. When we do things because someone else wants us to or because we think we should, we often miss out on opportunities and experiences that could be amazing.

When we listen to our intuition, we're more likely to make the best decisions for ourselves and for our loved ones. We'll also be happier in the long run.

Here are five ways to start listening to your intuition:

1. Honor your intuition by listening to your gut first.

2. Be patient with yourself. Don't try to do too much at once.

3. Be open to change. Don't be afraid to try new things.

4. Don't compare yourself to others.

5. Let go of grudges and unfinished business.

5.Give yourself time

No one is perfect and that's okay. We all make mistakes. It's how we learn and grow. But what if we didn't learn from our mistakes? What if we never took the time to reflect on what we did wrong and how we can do better? That would be a waste of ourselves and our potential.

If you want to be a better friend to yourself, you should give yourself time to reflect. This might mean setting aside time every day to journal, read self-help books, or watch self-improvement videos. Doing something that will help you learn and grow. It's okay to be a beginner at times, that's what makes life so rewarding.

Friends are one of the most important things in our lives, and they are invaluable when it comes to helping us grow and learn. But sometimes, we can forget to be kind to ourselves. In this That Girl Guided Journal Lifestyle Blog post, I have outlined five ways that you can be a better friend to yourself. By following these tips, you will be able to feel happier and more productive, which will only benefit your friends and yourself in the long run. Thank you for reading, and I hope that you find these tips helpful.


I created a beautiful, 180 page, illustrated, and inspiring lifestyle journal, Guided journal to help you make the most of your days.

That Girl Guided Journal is a beautiful, affordable, weekly journal and lifestyle journal. It provides a wealth of journal prompts that help you organize your thoughts, your day, and your life. That Girl Guided Journal is a journaling guide, journaling Prompt, that helps women and girls focus on what matters most. That Girl Guided Journal is a beautiful, interactive journal with journaling prompts that helps women and girls focus on their dreams via journaling. The That Girl Guided Journal is an illustrated lifestyle journal, and is a great way to keep yourself organized. This journal will help you to reflect on life and to get your thoughts down, on paper. It also has a weekly planner, grocery page, fitness tracker, daily quote, journaling prompts, and reading list.

Follow me for more daily journal content, journal prompts, and thought provoking questions & Grab this That Girl Guided Journal today by clicking that link

Hi, I’m bookworm! I live a luxury lifestyle in the city of angels! Los Angeles, California! Let’s be friends. So you believe in journaling daily, living every moment like it could be your last, vibing with health and organic recipes, and being grateful as you manifest? Then, I can’t wait to see you living that lifestyle along with me every day ! 2023 lifestyle vlog!

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Unraveling the Mystery of Self Love

A That Girl Guided Journal Lifestyle Blog post around top ten tips for a successful self-love journey.

There are so many things we need to take care of in order to feel fulfilled and happy. From our work and home lives to our relationships and emotional health, there are so many factors that contribute to our overall well-being. But often, we neglect our own self-love journey. Self-love is not a luxury that we can afford to ignore. In fact, neglecting our self-love journey can have negative consequences. It can lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. It can also lead to a lack of self-confidence and a diminished sense of self-worth. As we all know, self-love is key to a successful and fulfilling life. In this That Girl Guided Journal Lifestyle Blog post, I am going to share with you 10 tips for a successful self-love journey. These tips will help you to develop a positive relationship with yourself, to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally, and to feel fulfilled and happy. So if you want to live a fulfilling and happy life, start by loving yourself first.

1. Define success for yourself

Self-love is a journey, not a destination. So don't get bogged down by the "shoulds" and "musts" of society. Instead, focus on what brings you joy and happiness.

Remember, there's no one "right" way to be happy. So find what works for you and stick with it. If you're constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling like you're not good enough, then you're on the wrong track.

Here are 10 tips for a successful self-love journey:

1. Set realistic goals. Don't set yourself impossible objectives, but don't settle for anything less either.

2. Stay positive. Keep your outlook positive and upbeat, even when things get tough.

3. Be forgiving. Don't hold yourself to impossible standards, and be forgiving of yourself when you don't meet your goals.

4. Celebrate your successes. Take time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.

5. Surround yourself with positive people. They'll encourage and support you, and you'll learn from them.

6. Take a break. Don't push yourself too hard, and take a break from your self-love journey every now and then.

7. Reflect. Take time to reflect on your journey and analyze where you went wrong. That way, you can take corrective action and move forward.

8. Set goals for the future. When you're ready to continue your journey, set new goals for yourself.

9. Accept yourself for who you are right now. There's no need to change everything, just accept yourself for who you are right now and move on.

10. Never give up. No matter how difficult your journey may be at times, never give up on yourself. You can make it through.

2. Make peace with your past

If you're anything like me, you've been struggling with your self-love journey for years. You've tried everything from diets to working out to meditation. But you just can't seem to find the right balance.

The truth is, you're not alone. And there's a good chance that you've been trying to do it all wrong.

So, here are 10 tips for a successful self-love journey:

1. Take a step back and understand that self-love takes time and effort.

2. Accept that you're not perfect and that there are going to be times when you Struggle.

3. Start by forgiving yourself for your past mistakes.

4. Celebrate your victories, even if they're small.

5. Realize that you're not alone on this journey and that there are plenty of people out there who are struggling with self-love.

6. Make a list of the things that make you happy and commit to doing those things every day.

7. Set healthy boundaries and stick to them.

8. Learn to love yourself for who you are right now, not for who you want to be.

9. Be gentle with yourself and don't compare yourself to others.

10. Let go of the idea that self-love requires perfection.

3. Let go of who you think you have to be

It's time to let go of who you think you have to be in order to be successful in love. As cliché as it may sound, it's true. You don't have to be skinny, have the perfect job, or be the best lover. You don't even have to be in a relationship. In fact, many of the successful people I know are single and they are still successful in love.

You have to be willing to let go of what you think you need in order to be successful. You have to be willing to be yourself. This doesn't mean you have to be ugly or have a poor job. It means you have to be authentic and vulnerable.

4. Embrace who you are now

It's important to remember that you are not the same person you were 5, 10, or even 15 years ago. Life has happened, you've changed, and so has your body.

So if you're unhappy with where you are in life, it's time to do something about it.

Start by accepting that you are not perfect and that nobody is. You are not the only one who is going through something, and you are not the only one who has problems.

Try to be understanding and compassionate towards yourself. It's important to remember that you are not alone on your journey to self-love, and you will get there eventually.

5. Declare your independence

Starting the journey to self-love is a huge step in your personal growth. It's a difficult task and one that can be daunting at times, but it's important to remember that you're not alone.

Believe in yourself and know that you can do this. You're worth it!

6. Create your own reality

When you're starting your journey towards self-love, it's important to remember that you're in control of your own reality. What you think about yourself is 100% up to you. It's your journey, your decisions, and your path. So, be brave, be vulnerable, and be yourself.

It can be tough at first, but it's so important to remember that you're not alone in this journey. There are so many people out there who have been through the same things, and they're here to help you along the way.

Remember that you're not alone. There are millions of people who have found joy in self-love, and they're here to support you. So, don't be afraid to be open and share your journey with the world. It will help others on their own self-love journey, and that's what counts in the end.

7. Claim your power

There's no denying that self-love is an important journey. It can be a scary thing to take on, but it's one that can lead to a number of positive outcomes. Whether you're just starting out on this journey or you've been on it for a while, there are certain tips and tricks that will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Here are those 10 tips for a successful self-love journey related for you one more time? Why? Because I believe they're that freaking important! I'm going to go into further detail on each point. Here we go:

1. Start by acknowledging that self-love is a journey, not a destination. It's a process that requires consistency and dedication.

2. Be honest with yourself. If you're not 100% happy with something about yourself, be honest about it and work to fix it.

3. Set goals and make a plan to achieve them. Don't expect overnight success, but make sure you have a plan and are working towards a specific goal.

4. Celebrate your victories. Don't be afraid to celebrate your progress. It can be helpful to have someone to share your victories with, whether that's a friend, family member, or even a blog follower.

5. Take care of yourself. This may sound like common sense, but make sure you're taking care of your body, mind, and spirit.

6. Let go of negative self-talk. If you're constantly berating yourself, it'll be difficult to make any progress.

7. Listen to your body. If something feels off, take the time to check in with your body. Listen to how your body feels and what it's telling you.

8. Be gentle with yourself. We're all human and sometimes we make mistakes. Accepting that we're human and making mistakes will help us learn and grow.

9. Be patient. The journey to self-love is a long one, but it's worth it in the end.

10. Celebrate! Whether it's a small victory or a larger one, celebrate your progress along the way.

8. Let go of your expectations

It's amazing how we can get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget to take time for ourselves. We put so many demands on ourselves and our time that we often forget what it's like to just be.

It's easy to get wrapped up in our work, our families, and our friends, but it's important to remember to take the time for yourself.

When you take the time for yourself, you'll be more relaxed, more creative, and more in control. This will give you more opportunities to succeed and enjoy life.

9. Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself is very important when it comes to self-love. Yes, we all know that it's important to love ourselves, but sometimes it's hard to make time for ourselves.

Taking care of yourself doesn't have to mean going on expensive vacations or eating ridiculously unhealthy food. It can simply mean taking the time to relax, get some exercise, and enjoy some quality time with your friends and loved ones.

10. Live in gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It can change your entire outlook on life. Gratitude makes you happier, more content, and more productive. No wonder it's one of the cornerstones of self-love!

Start by writing down all the things you're grateful for every day. This could be the smallest things, like a good night's sleep, a cup of coffee, or a kind word from a friend. Once you start to get a sense of the bigger picture, you'll be motivated to make more of the small things in life and less of the big things.

Gratitude makes you happier because it takes the focus off of what you don't have and puts it on what you do have. It's also a form of self-compassion, which is important in maintaining a positive relationship with yourself.

So start living in gratitude, and you'll be on your way to a successful self-love journey!

I hope you enjoyed this That Girl Guided Journal Lifestyle Blog post about how to have a successful self-love journey. This can be a difficult journey, but with the right tools and strategies, you can achieve your goals. I outlined 10 tips that will help make this journey easier. I hope that you find these tips helpful, and that you enjoy the process of self-love!


I created a beautiful, 180 page, illustrated, and inspiring lifestyle journal, Guided journal to help you make the most of your days.

That Girl Guided Journal is a beautiful, affordable, weekly journal and lifestyle journal. It provides a wealth of journal prompts that help you organize your thoughts, your day, and your life. That Girl Guided Journal is a journaling guide, journaling Prompt, that helps women and girls focus on what matters most. That Girl Guided Journal is a beautiful, interactive journal with journaling prompts that helps women and girls focus on their dreams via journaling. The That Girl Guided Journal is an illustrated lifestyle journal, and is a great way to keep yourself organized. This journal will help you to reflect on life and to get your thoughts down, on paper. It also has a weekly planner, grocery page, fitness tracker, daily quote, journaling prompts, and reading list.

Follow me for more daily journal content, journal prompts, and thought provoking questions & Grab this That Girl Guided Journal today by clicking that link

Hi, I’m bookworm! I live a luxury lifestyle in the city of angels! Los Angeles, California! Let’s be friends. So you believe in journaling daily, living every moment like it could be your last, vibing with health and organic recipes, and being grateful as you manifest? Then, I can’t wait to see you living that lifestyle along with me every day ! 2023 lifestyle vlog!

Want a fresh take on the daily journal ?

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Take your health by the hand and reach your goals

A That Girl Guided Journal lifestyle Blog post for if you're Not sure how to eat healthy? Try this 30-day diet plan DIY. Your health is important to us. That Girl Guided Journal is here to help you make the changes you need to make.

If you're looking for a diet that will help you lose weight, why not try creating your own? 30 Days of your own Step-by-Step Diet Plan. Your own tailored program designed to help you lose weight gradually and safely. Base it on the principle that if you change your eating habits gradually, you will be more likely to keep the weight off long-term. The 30 Days of a Step-by-Step Diet Plan should always include a daily menu (try this handy calorie counter from the good folks at Web MD), a shopping list, and tips on how to make the most of the program. Plus, don't forget to ask your doctor or Healthcare practitioner for daily tips and seek encouragement from inspirational and motivational TED talks. If you're ready to start losing weight, the 30 Days of a Step-by-Step Diet Plan is the perfect program for you to DIY.

1. What is a step-by-step diet plan?

A step-by-step diet plan is a great way for people to lose weight. It's a gradual process that helps people avoid drastic changes in their eating habits. It's also a great way for people to be able to stick to a diet plan.

A step-by-step diet plan is divided into different stages. The first stage is the goal setting stage. In this stage, the person decides what weight they want to lose and how much weight they want to lose. The second stage is the planning stage. In this stage, the person decides what foods they will eat and in what quantities. The third stage is the preparation stage. In this stage, the person prepares the food they will eat. The fourth stage is the consumption stage. In this stage, the person eats the food they prepared in the third stage. The fifth stage is the evaluation stage. In this stage, the person evaluates how their diet plan is working and what changes they need to make. The sixth stage is the maintenance stage. In this stage, the person monitors their weight and makes any necessary changes to their diet plan. The seventh stage is the relapse prevention stage. In this stage, the person prevents themselves from returning to their old eating habits. The eighth stage is the success stage. In this stage, the person has successfully lost weight and maintained their weight. The final stage is the review stage. In this stage, the person reviews their progress and decides whether to continue with the step-by-step diet plan or not.

2. The goal of a step-by-step diet plan

The goal of a step-by-step diet plan is to help you lose weight gradually and effectively. This isn't a quick fix program that will leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed. Instead, it is a program that will help you learn how to eat correctly and how to make healthy choices. In sport, this is what is called a healthy lifestyle change. It's part of loving a holistic life, and you can do it!

A step-by-step diet plan will provide you with a set number of days to follow, along with specific meal and snack instructions. This will help you to stick to the plan and make sure that you are eating the right things.

3. How to create a step-by-step diet plan

Creating a step-by-step diet plan is a great way to get started with your weight loss goals. By following a plan and sticking to it, you'll be more likely to see results.

Start by coming up with a goal weight. This is the weight you want to lose, not the weight you want to maintain. This will help you stay on track.

Next, create a calorie budget. This is the number of calories you'll be allowed per day and it should be based on your goal weight and activity level.

Now comes the tough part. Create a meal plan. This will list the number and types of meals you'll be eating each day. Make sure to include all the nutrients your body needs and avoid unhealthy foods.

If you're new to this type of dieting, all a health paint, and always start slowly. You can always increase the number of meals and decrease the number of snacks as you get more comfortable with the plan.

4. What foods are allowed on a step-by-step diet plan?

A step-by-step diet plan is all about making sure that you're eating the right foods and in the right amounts. This will help you to lose weight, maintain your weight, and improve your overall health.

The foods that you're allowed to eat on a step-by-step diet plan will vary depending on the phase of the diet, and your specific nutritional requirements. The first phase is called the induction phase and during this phase, you're allowed to eat a lot of carbs and protein. The second phase is called the diet phase and during this phase, you're allowed to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. The final phase is called the maintenance phase and during this phase, you're allowed to eat a lot of healthy fats.

5. How often should you eat on a step-by-step diet plan?

A step-by-step diet plan should be followed as closely as possible in order to see the best results. Many people think that skipping meals will help them lose weight faster, but this is not the case. Skipping meals will lead to weight gain and will not help you lose weight.

Eating on a step-by-step diet plan should be done three times a day. This means that you should have a breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You should not skip breakfast or dinner. Skipping breakfast or dinner will not help you lose weight.

You should also make sure that you are eating the right kind of food on a step-by-step diet plan. You should not eat junk food on a step-by-step diet plan. Junk food will not help you lose weight. You should eat healthy foods on a step-by-step diet plan. Healthy foods will help you lose weight.

6. How to follow a step-by-step diet plan

Following a step-by-step diet plan can be a bit daunting, but it's really not that difficult. In fact, I've put together my own 10-day diet plan that I can follow without any trouble.

The first step I did was to create a grocery list and stick to it as much as possible. I made sure that all of the foods on the list were healthy and low-calorie.

The second step I followed was to set a daily calorie limit. This I based on my current weight and activity level. Try not to go over your calorie limit by more than 500 calories. The third step I used was to eat three meals a day. Try to have at least one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner. The fourth step I stuck to was to avoid eating late at night. This is because our bodies are in a resting state and we're more likely to indulge in unhealthy foods. The fifth step I took was to avoid eating heavy meals. I tried to have smaller, more frequent meals. The sixth step was to avoid eating high-fat foods. This is because they'll raise your blood sugar levels and you'll be more likely to gain weight. The seventh step I followed closely was to drink plenty of water. This is important not just because it helps with digestion but it also keeps you feeling full longer. The eighth step I stuck with was to exercise regularly. This isn't just for weight loss. Exercise has been shown to improve your mental health and overall well-being.

7. Tips for making the most of a step-by-step diet plan

When it comes to dieting, most people jump right into the tough part – the food. However, there are many other aspects to consider when starting or following a diet. One of the most important is the food plan

Creating a step-by-step diet plan is important in two ways. It ensures that you're following the diet correctly and it helps you stick to the diet. When you have a plan, you're more likely to succeed.

Here are a few tips for creating a step-by-step diet plan:

1. Create a list of the foods you'll be eating. This will help you to keep track of what you're eating.

2. Make a list of the calories in each food. This will help you to determine how many calories you should be eating.

3. Set a daily calorie goal. This will help you to stay on track.

4. Set a date by which you want to achieve your weight loss or weight gain goal. This will help you to stay motivated.

5. Create a shopping list of the foods you'll be eating. This will help you to avoid going shopping for food when you're not following the diet.

6. Set a time limit for each meal. This will help you to avoid overeating.

7. Write down your thoughts and feelings after each meal. This will help you to track your progress.

8. Have someone else help you to create the diet plan. This will help to ensure that the plan is accurate and follows the guidelines that you've set.

9. Follow the diet plan for at least three weeks. This will help you to determine whether or not the diet is working.

10. Modify the diet plan as needed. This will help you to stay on track.

8. How to adjust a step-by-step diet plan to fit your lifestyle

A diet is a plan that tells your body how much and what kind of food to eat. It can be a healthy diet or an unhealthy diet. A healthy diet is one that will help you maintain your weight, keep your cholesterol levels in check, and help you get enough vitamins and minerals.

A step-by-step diet plan is a diet plan that is divided into small, manageable steps. Each step is designed to help you lose weight.

When you are following a step-by-step diet plan, you will need to be very careful not to go overboard with the calories or the carbs. You also need to be careful not to skip any of the food groups. A step-by-step diet plan is a great way to lose weight, but it's important to be mindful of your diet so that you don't gain weight back once you've lost weight.

9. When to stop following a step-by-step diet plan

After following a step-by-step diet plan for 30 days, you may be wondering when to stop. Well, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. In fact, the answer may vary depending on your weight, sex, age, activity level, and other factors. However, generally speaking, you should stop following a step-by-step diet plan when you reach your weight loss or weight maintenance goal.

If you follow a step-by-step diet plan strictly to the letter and don't make any modifications, you may lose more weight than you would if you followed the plan with some flexibility. For example, you might decide to have a small dessert once a week instead of every day. This would allow you to maintain your weight loss and still enjoy your favorite foods.

10. How to make a step-by-step diet plan work for you

Creating a step-by-step diet plan can seem daunting but it doesn't have to be. There are plenty of resources available to help you create a plan that works for you.

One of the best ways to create a step-by-step diet plan is to start with a goal. What are you trying to accomplish with this diet plan? Are you trying to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain your current weight? Once you know your goal, you can begin to create a plan that will help you reach that goal.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you'll need to create a plan that limits your calorie intake and ensures you're getting plenty of exercise. If you're trying to gain weight, you'll need to eat more calories but make sure you're also including healthy foods in your diet. And if you're trying to maintain your current weight, you'll need to make sure you're sticking to a healthy diet and getting enough exercise.

Once you have a goal, you'll need to create a plan that will help you reach that goal. This plan should include calorie intake, exercise, and food recommendations. Once you have this plan, you can begin to follow it.

I hope you enjoyed the That Girl Guided Journal Lifestyle Blog Post 30-day diet DIY plan! This plan is designed to help you lose weight easily and quickly. I have provided you with plenty of examples, tips, and advice to help you succeed. I hope that you will find this plan helpful and that you will be able to follow it to the letter. I wish you the best of luck as you embark on your weight loss journey.


I created a beautiful, 180 page, illustrated, and inspiring lifestyle journal, Guided journal to help you make the most of your days.

That Girl Guided Journal is a beautiful, affordable, weekly journal and lifestyle journal. It provides a wealth of journal prompts that help you organize your thoughts, your day, and your life. That Girl Guided Journal is a journaling guide, journaling Prompt, that helps women and girls focus on what matters most. That Girl Guided Journal is a beautiful, interactive journal with journaling prompts that helps women and girls focus on their dreams via journaling. The That Girl Guided Journal is an illustrated lifestyle journal, and is a great way to keep yourself organized. This journal will help you to reflect on life and to get your thoughts down, on paper. It also has a weekly planner, grocery page, fitness tracker, daily quote, journaling prompts, and reading list.

Follow me for more daily journal content, journal prompts, and thought provoking questions & Grab this That Girl Guided Journal today by clicking that link

Hi, I’m bookworm! I live a luxury lifestyle in the city of angels! Los Angeles, California! Let’s be friends. So you believe in journaling daily, living every moment like it could be your last, vibing with health and organic recipes, and being grateful as you manifest? Then, I can’t wait to see you living that lifestyle along with me every day ! 2023 lifestyle vlog!

Want a fresh take on the daily journal ?

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